28th October 2022, iFLY Basingstoke
20mins flying time per team... 8 flights: 8x 1m15
Working time: 50s
There are three ways to start the clock.
i. Build a star, when the star is broken, the clock starts.
ii. If you launch, the clock starts when the first person starts to fly.
iii. if you take ages, the clock will start 10 seconds after you get the thumbs up from the tunnel instructor, ie with 1m05 on the clock left to fly.
Please leave the tunnel promptly after your flight.
1: P,O,M
2: F,Q,F,Q
3: B,C,F,J
4: H,E,A,D
5: C,O,B,N
6: L,15,N,G (World Champs 2022, Rd 10)
7: Eddy (Video here - starting at 1m 29s)
8: Mini-power lap. (Solo tag team round. Touch 1-4 in order, then exit. 1pt scored per number touched. Missing a number - 2pt penalty. No flying until your teammate is out - 4pt penalty. Backfly double points. HU triple points, HD quadruple points but be aware of time wasted increasing and decreasing the tunnel speed)
Any questions - please see Fleur or Brian