21st October 2022: The Draw & Teams - 24wPP10

TIPS Flat Weave (Top tip: set up facing the doors and touch the glass as you go forwards)
TIPS Goldfish Bowl. 1 or 2 people stay 'still' the other(s) fly around. Take it in turns. Clockwise first. The people staying still will need to move forwards briefly to touch the glass to give the people flying behind them enough space.
TIPS Alternating Side Weave (Top tip: set up with one person between the doors. If you set up with one person 'in front' of a door - it is much harder to fly there). This is easier and faster to fly.
TIPS Vertical Weave (three in a line, facing the door, middle goes under). This is more advanced and will involve more crashes. Please make a good decision.
TIPS Geysir... if you haven't done this before, a 12' tunnel is not the best place to learn. Please take the hint.
TIPS There&Back... if you haven't done this before, a 12' tunnel is not the best place to learn. Please take the hint.
- Sophie Cook, Keeley, Amy Winter
- Luke Nicholson, Will, Cat Brown
- Maciej Sobczak, Michał Zapasnik, Daniel Glaister
- Artemiy Ryabinkov, Lazar Sumar, Brian
- Sabina, Elliot Wright, Laura Moreno Gomez