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St Patrick's Day Scrambles - Fri 17 Mar 2023

Fri 17th March 2023: The Draw & Teams - St Patrick's Day Scrambles, Basingstoke

With Brian&Fleur (HTS5 - Headcorn Tunnel Scrambles)

1930 - 2000: Teams 1,2,3 practice 10 mins each

2000 - 2030: Teams 4,5,6 practice 10 mins each

2030 - 2100: Team 7 practice, Teams1,2, competition 10 mins each

2100 - 2130: Teams 3,4,5 competition 10 mins each

2130 - 2200: Teams 6,7 competition 10mins each



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Videos of Rds 4,5,6 can be found on facebook here.



Rd4 Cascade. High grips works well to give the outside flyers some space. We call it flying 'tunnel tight'.


Rd5 Bipole Spin. Make the star between spins. Direction of turn not important. Each flyer must finish in the same quadrant that they start each spin in. Bipole 1 - 2 flyers face out. Bipole 2 - the *other* two flyers face out. Share the love around. x

Essentially it's a 6pt dive. Star, bipole1-bipole1, star, bipole2-bipole2.


Rd6 Paired Orbit. 'Stationary' pair must face the same direction at all times.


Rds 1-3 are 1m20 long. Working time is 55 seconds

Rds 4-7 are 1m30 long. Working time is 1m05.



